عقدت لجنة السياحة بالإشتراك مع لجنتي السياحة بجمعية شباب الأعمال و جمعية رجال أعمال إسكندرية اللقاء الثاني مع السادة ممثلي حزب الحرية و العدالة و بحضور السادة الوكلاء السياحيين , السادة رؤساء و أعضاء مجالس إدارات الجمعيات و الغرف السياحية و السادة المستشارين التجاريين و الإقتصاديين لسفارات ( روسيا - إيطاليا- إنجلترا ), و ذلك بغرض إستكمال تبادل الرؤى المستقبلية لوضع إستراتيجية لهذا القطاع الحيوي الهام الذي يمثل أحد أهم العناصر الرئيسية للدخل القومي و بحث وضع الإستثمارات الحالية و المتوقعة له .
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عقدت لجنة البيئة بجمعية رجال الأعمال المصريين اجتماعها بمقـــر الجمعية بالجيزة،برئاسة الدكتور/علي القريعي رئيس اللجنة وبحضور الدكتور /إبراهيم أبو العيش – رئيس مجلس إدارة مبادرة سيكم, والسادة أعضاء اللجنة ورجال الصحافة ،وذلك لمناقشة موضوع “حضارة الأرض " .
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عقدت لجنة التشييد عشاء عمل على شرف السيد الدكتور / طارق وفيق محمد - وزير الإسكان و التنمية العمرانية بفندق سيمراميس إنتركونتنتتال للتعرف على الرؤية المستقبلية للوزارة , و إستعراض ورقة العمل المعدة من قبل لجنة التشييد بالجمعية الخاصة بقطاعات الإستثمار العقاري و المقاولات و الإستشارات الهندسية.
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عقدت جمعية رجال الأعمال المصريين ومؤسسة الأهرام مؤتمر " مستقبل الطاقة في مصر .. الرؤية والحلول الفاعلة "بفندق ماريوت الزمالك
وقد ناقش المؤتمر أهم المحاور الرئيسية المعنية بقطاع الطاقة مثل :الرؤية و الحلول العاجلة – الخبرات العالمية و التجارب و البحوث والتطوير - دور المؤسسات المالية في التمويل والإستثمار - تشريعات تحفيز الإستثمار في الطاقة , هذا و قد حضر المؤتمر العديد من الوزراء المعنيين بالطاقة و الإستثمار و الصناعة و السياحة و البيئة , وكذا رؤساء منظمات الأعمال المصرية, ولفيف من السفراء العرب و الأجانب في القاهرة .. بالإضافة إلى الخبراء من مصر و العالم العربي و أوروربا .. مع تغطية إعلامية رفيعة المستوى لهذا الحدث الهام .
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"استراتيجية وزارة التجارة والصناعة خلال الفترة القادمة ودور القطاع الخاص المصري في المشاركة في هذه الإستراتيجية وأهم المشروعات المتاحة"
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Honored by the presence of H. Hon. Abdel Fattah El Sisi, President of Arab Republic of Egypt, and H.E. Mr. Victor Orban, Hungarian Prime Minister, the Egyptian Businessmen's Association has organized the Egyptian Hungarian Business Forum on the 1st of June 2016 at ALMASAH Hotel.
The Forum was also attended by some Ministers and top officials from the two countries
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المؤتمر السنوي الثاني للطاقة :
:الطاقة....ما بين الترشيد والتنوع والإستدامة"
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EBA has organized a celebration to honor and send a message of thanks and appreciation to their pioneers who have been members for more than (25) years and their bidding process is still ongoing until March 14, 2017
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“The first round of the Belt & Road Industrial and Commercial Conference” – “Egypt… Your Gateway to BRICA” was held in Egypt on the 1st and 2nd of April 2017. The objective of the conference is to project Egypt as an economic powerhouse and present the business prospects and investment opportunities, as well as, to provide international forum for policy/decision makers to present the business prospects &investment opportunities in the Belt & Road Industrial and Commercial Alliance (hereinafter referred to as BRICA) countries.
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The 10th joint meeting of Egypt- Korea Business Council headed by Dr. Raouf Ghabbour, was held in Cairo, on the 5th of December 2017 at Marriott Hotel. The meeting discussed the Enhancement of Joint ventures & Investments between Korea &Egypt, the cooperation in the Infrastructure & Transportation, Logistics
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EBA has organized an exhibition of feeding industries for the Arab Group of Companies on Tuesday 27 February 2018 at its premises. The exhibition was on the feeding industries, and the detailed components for these industries
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عشاء عمل تنظمه لجنة النقل بالجمعية مع :
السيد الدكتور / هشام عرفات - وزير النقل
وذلك في تمام الساعة السابعة مساءً يوم الأربعاء الموافق 3 أكتوبر 2018 بفندق كونراد – قاعة النيل
تحت عنوان: " رؤية مجتمع الأعمال حول منظومة اللوجيستيات ودورها في تطوير قطاع النقل "
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عشاء عمل تنظمه لجنة المالية بالجمعية على شرف وحضور :
السيد الدكتور / محمد معيط - وزير المالية
وذلك في تمام الساعة السابعة مساءً يوم الإثنين الموافق 12 نوفمبر 2018 بفندق كونراد القاهرة - قاعة كونراد
يهدف اللقاء إلى إستعراض ومناقشة :
" كافة الموضوعات الهامة التي تتولاها وزارة المالية وتمس الإقتصاد المصري ومجتمع الاعمال "
كما تم توجيه الدعوة إلى رؤساء المصالح الضريبية التابعة للوزارة (رئيس مصلحة الضرائب المصرية/رئيس مصلحة الضرائب العقارية/رئيس مصلحة الجمارك المصرية )
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EBA has received a high ranking business delegation from The Council of Saudi Chambers: The agenda of the delegation has included a field trip to New Administrative Capital, a business Dinner with H.E. Minister of Housing and Urban Developments, a workshop on the investment opportunities in New CIties, Al Wadi Al Gadid Governorate, a business match making, a visit to H.E. Minister of Investment and International Cooperation, a field trip to New Alamein City, a business dinner with H.E. Governor of Alexandria
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“Future of Investment in Egypt … Vision of Business Community “
The conference aims to review and discuss:
"The Egyptian Business Community's vision on the role of the private sector, raising its competitiveness, productivity and efficiency in penetrating international markets and attracting more investments, while focusing on the elements of sustainable growth and development of the Egyptian product "
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EBA has held a webinar with Prof. Dr. Ismail Serageldin, the Honorary Director of Alexandria Bibliotheca and Former Vice Chairman of International Bank to discuss the economic, scientific, cultural impacts on Egypt and the World
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EBA has held a seminar headed by Eng. Ali Eissa, EBA Chairman with the Egyptian Commercial Offices in Gulf Countries (Saudi Arabia - UAE - Kuwait - Oman) with the presences of First Undersecretary Dr. Ahmed Meghawry, Head of ECS, Minister Counselor Dr. Younan Edward, Head of the Egyptian Commercial Office in Dubai and Oman, Minister Counselor Amr Hazzah, Head of the Egyptian Commercial Office in Jeddah, Minister Counselor Ahmed Fadel Bedewy, Head of the Egyptian Commercial Office in Oman
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Zoom Webinar organized by Industry and Scientific Research Committee in honor and presence of Dr./ Hisham Tawfiq - Minister of Public Business Sector to review and discuss the following important topics: (Mechanisms of cooperation and partnership between public business sector companies affiliated with the ministry and Egyptian and foreign private sector companies to achieve the state goals regarding joint projects - how to activate the initiatives of the Egyptian banks for the nominated industrial sectors to be replaced by imports, as directed according to the instructions of the Governor of the Central Bank of Egypt – shedding the light on the joint MOU signed between the ministry and the Federation of Egyptian Industries and Chambers of Commerce regarding applying digital transformation)
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Zoom Webinar organized by Industry and Scientific Research Committee in honor and presence of Dr. / Nevine Gamaa - Minister of Trade and Industry, to review and discuss: "The impact of imports on the Egyptian industry post the COVID-19 pandemic and how to increase the added value of the Egyptian product and promote exports"
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Zoom Webinar in honor and presence of Prof. Hala Helmy Al-Saeed - Minister of Planning and Economic Development to review and discuss the following topics: (The role of the Egyptian business community in supporting the state to achieve its developmental goals within the framework of Egypt's Vision 2030 - Mechanisms taken by the state to create a more flexible economic atmosphere which’s able to deal with unprecedented global challenges (economic - health - political) and its impact on future development plans - Axes of promoting sustainable economic development based on achieving a balance between growth and social justice)
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A social electronic meeting between EBA members, with the aim of increasing acquaintance and rapprochement between them, by giving a brief summary of the participants CV, the most important studies, the most important work experiences and their main activity, and how to cooperate and exchange benefits with the rest of EBA members.
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EBA has organized a seminar between Africa Department in ECS and the Egyptian companies in Port Said interested to deal with Africa, in order to explain the plan of the ECS to penetrate into the African market
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EBA and Bahrainian Businessmen Association have organized an electronic seminar entitled "Investment Opportunities in Construction Sector in Egypt and Bahrain, with the presence of H.E. Ambassador of Egypt in Bahrain and the Assistant Minister of Housing
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Construction Committee Zoom meeting with Dr. Eng. / Walid Abbas - Assistant Minister of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities for the New Urban Communities Authority, And the supervisor of the planning and projects sector in the authority, to discuss “The plan of the Ministry of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities to achieve the state’s goals to initiate three new urban cities, And the ministry's vision of increasing the volume of investments in the real estate sector, and the role of the Egyptian business community to contribute to achieving this.
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Agriculture and Irrigation Committee Electronic Zoom Meeting, To review and discuss: • Cooperation with the Faculty of Agriculture at Ain Shams University
• An open discussion about the current conditions of the agricultural sector and the attendees ’proposals on the committee’s role during the upcoming period to advance it.
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EBA has held a launching ceremony for the Private Sector Alliance for Disaster Resistant Communities) ARISE), on Monday 25th of October 2021 at EBA premises, headed by Eng. Ali Eissa, Chairman of EBA and Mr. Adel El- Lamei, Chairman of ARISE (Egypt National Network), Eng. Hossam El-Gamal, Co-Chairman of the Network and Eng. Magd El Din El Manzlawi, EBA Board member, and a number of ARISE Board Members in Egypt.
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EBA has held a meeting with a Romanian delegation headed by the Deputy Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, Ms. Daniela Nichols, and Mr. Elio Stukluza, President of the Bucharest Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in the presence of Eng. Hassan El Shafei, Board Member of EBA , Dr. Ahmed El Sokkary, Chairman of the Egyptian side in the Egyptian-Romanian Business Council, and Dr. Omnia Fahmy Vice Chairman of the Egyptian side of the Joint Business Council
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Joint meeting between Industry, Scientific Research and Export Committees with Eng. Ali Abdel Qader, First Vice Chairman of the Export Committee in EBA With the aim of review and discuss: "The Strategic Vision in Establishing a Comprehensive and Permanent Export Policy
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The Engineering Consultancy Committee of EBA held a meeting headed by Eng. Omar Sabbour, Chairman of the Committee, and with the participation of the Economic Legislation Committee headed by Counselor Mahmoud Fahmy and the presence of the members of the Association interested in this important topic, in order to present a summary of the Engineering Consultancy committee's activity during the last period and discuss the economic balance of contracts in light of the high prices
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The Sustainable Development Committee held a meeting chaired by Dr. Nevine Abdel Khaleq, Chairman of the Committee, and in the presence of Dr. Noha Bakr, member of the National Council for Human Rights, and Ms. Amira Moussa, Corporate Impact Measurement Advisor B Lab Africa, with the aim of discuss sustainability.... From theory to practice and governance is a necessity to achieve sustainable development
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In the presence of Eng. Ali Eissa, EBA Chairman and Eng. Magd Eldin Elmanzalawi, EBA Secretary General, the Financial Markets & Stock Exchange Committee headed by Dr. Hashem Elsayed has held a meeting with Dr. Hossam Heiba, CEO of GAFI to discuss the strategy of the authority and its plan tp enhance the local and foreign investment
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Meeting of the Tourism and Civil Aviation Committee with Mr. Amr El-Kady the Chairman of the Tourism Promotion Authority with the aim of reviewing and discussing the plan of the Authority to push and stimulate the inbound tourism movement to Egypt during the coming period and overcome the challenges it faces and the role of the Egyptian business community to contribute to achieving that plan
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A working group organized by the Agriculture and Irrigation Committee with the members of crop committees, representatives of the Agricultural Bank of Egypt and representatives of the Association for the Development of Horticultural Exports (Heia) with the aim of discussing the costs of growing export crops and their credit categories to be in line with the actual reality in order to increase the value of crop loan financing.
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EBA has held a meeting with H.E. Mr. Andras Kovacs. Ambassador of Hungary to Egypt, with the presence of Dr. Ahmed Saad Ragab, Chairman of the Egyptian Hungarian Business Council in order to discuss the ways of promoting economic and trade relations between the two countries
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Information Technology Committee Meeting with Eng. Ghada Labib - Deputy ICT Minister for Institutional Development to review and discuss: ICT Strategy 2030 to achieve the goals of Egypt's Vision 2030 by building Digital Egypt, and how the private sector can contribute to achieve this.
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Joint meeting organized by the Banking and Finance Committee and the Energy Committee of the EBA entitled Investment in Emissions Budgeting New Deal in Finance in the presence of representatives of MGM and Avanz Capital Egypt with the aim of discussing investment in emissions budgeting in the context of the Egyptian economy and its link to the private sector And the scope and mechanisms of work of companies in the aforementioned investment
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The Financial Committee of EBA headed by Mr. Maged Ezz El-Din, organized an awareness meeting with Mr. Mohamed Al-Moataz - Financial Expert In order to introduce the new amendments and how to benefit from them in preparing the financial statements for the year 2022, based on Prime Minister's Decree No. 4706 of 2022 Regarding Amending Some Provisions of Egyptian Accounting Standards
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Seminar Organized by both Finance and Information Technology Committees with Mr. Mokhtar Tawfik - Head of the Egyptian Tax Authority and a group of the Authority leaders to open the door for dialogue and discussion on "the latest updates of the tax system in Egypt, and its role in stimulating investment and integrating the informal economy with the formal one and the role of the Egyptian business community in achieving this" while shedding light on "the efforts of the Egyptian Tax Authority for digital development and the stages of completing the digitalization of the tax work system and electronic invoice projects, electronic receipt and submission of tax returns electronically"
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EBA has held a meeting with H.E. Mr. Mansurbek Kilichev, the Ambassador of Uzbekistan to Egypt, to discuss the ways of promoting the economic and trade relations between the two countries
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The Industry and Scientific Research Committee held a seminar in the presence of Eng. Mohamed Abdel Karim, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Industrial Development Authority, in order to identify all the developments related to the actual developments and achievements that have been made on the ground by the Authority, which contributes to the development and deepening of the national industry and increasing its added value in order to develop Egyptian exports and reduce the import bill
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EBA has held the first conference of the African Ambassadors Group with the Egyptian business community, Under the Patronage of Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and in cooperation with the African Ambassadors Group in Egypt, under the title "Africa in Focus".
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Real Estate Development and Contracting Committee headed by Eng. Fathallah Fawzi - Vice President and Committee Chairman with Eng. Khaled Abbas - President of the New Administrative Capital Company, with the aim of: "Reviewing the investment opportunities available to attract national and foreign investments"
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The Financial Markets and Stock Exchange Committee held a seminar with Mr. Rami El-Dokany, Chairman of the Egyptian Exchange In order to identify the role of the Egyptian Exchange as one of the most important effective elements in the Egyptian economy and the current plans to increase the depth and efficiency of the Egyptian stock market, whether through listing more companies on the stock exchange, launching the options and derivatives market, and the voluntary trading market for carbon certificates.
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Environment Committee meeting headed by Mr. Hussein Lotfy - Chairman of the Committee with Dr. Abla Abdel Latif - Executive Director and Director of Research - Egyptian Center for Economic Studies (ECES) with the aim of reviewing and discussing: "Beyond the COP 27 Climate Change Conference, the environmental and economic benefits obtained by Egypt from the pre mentioned conference, and the future vision for green and environment friendly projects in Egypt within the recommendations of the conference"
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EBA has held a courtesy meeting between Mr. Kakhramon Yuldashev Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Dr. Mohamed Youssef EBA Executive Director and Mrs. Dalia Youssef Division Director of International Relations & Membership Affairs
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In the framework of the improvement of the economic relations between Egypt and China in various fields, the China Committee in EBA has held a seminar with Amb. Liao Liqiang, Ambassador of P.R. of China in Cairo. With the presence of Mr. Hossam Heiba, CEO of GAFI, Amb. Ayman Kamel, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Asian Affairs. The seminar was headed by Eng. Magd El Din Elmanzalawi, EBA Secretary General and Mr. Ahmed Ezz Eldin, China Committee Chairman to discuss the ways of cooperation between the two countries
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A seminar organized by the Financial Committee with the representative of the Egyptian Tax Authority Dr. Abu Zeid Abdel Rahman, Director of the Integrated Communications Center and Dr. Mohsen Al-Gayar Director of the Registrars Assistant Department in the West Canal Region, with the aim of explaining all matters related to the electronic invoice system, its objectives, and how to register and deal with it in light of the extension of the registration deadline until 30 April 2023
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Energy Committee meeting headed by Dr. Eng. Mohamed Helal, Chairman of the Committee, to discuss the applications of biomass as an input to rationalize energy, reduce the amount of fertilizers and improve the quality of Egyptian agriculture.
In the presence of a group of energy experts, Dr. Eng. Mohamed Al-Khayyat - Chairman of the New and Renewable Energy Authority NREA, to review the authority's plan during the upcoming period and the extent to which the private sector will benefit from it, Dr. Eng. Hani Al-Nokrashi - Member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Republic President and Global Energy Expert, to discuss the electricity future as we want it for our grandchildren, Dr. Eng. Osama Kamal - Chairman of the Egyptian Association of Engineers and former Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Dr. Farouk El-Hakim - Chairman of Electrical Engineers Association and Secretary General of the Egyptian Engineers Association .
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EBA has received a delegation from Lithuanian Chamber of Commerce & Industry, the meeting was headed by Dr. Ahmed El Sokkary, Chairman of Egypt Romania Business Council to discuss the cooperation in the fields of Foodstuffs industry, education, IT
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EBA has held a courtesy meeting between H.E. Catherine N. Kunje, Ambassador of the Republic of Malawi and Eng. Ali Eissa, EBA Chaiman and Dr. Mohamed Youssef EBA Executive Director. To discuss the mutual opportunities of trade and investment between Egypt and Malawi.
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A joint meeting of the Environment - Industry and Scientific Research Committees with Dr. Ali Abo Sena, the Chief Executive Officer of the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency to discuss all developments that will have an impact on various economic activities within the framework of the Egyptian Environmental Law and international rules related to climate change.
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EBA has received a delegation from African Desk Group, the meeting was headed by Dr. Mohamed Youssef EBA Executive Director and the delegation was headed by PATIENT SAYIBA TAMBWE, the Executive Chairman of African Desk Group, and BARNABE KIKAYA BIN KARUBI the Chief Executive Officer. The organization is aiming at facilitating the trade, supply, transport and logistical services, regional integration between the African Countries
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EBA has held a meeting between the Russian SME Corporation JSC represented by Mr. Pavel Kondrashov and Eng. Hassan El Shafei, EBA Board Member & SMEs Committee Chairman. The meeting was also attended by Eng. Magd El Manzalawi, EBA Secretary General and Chairman of Industry and Scientific Research Committee, and Dr. Mohamed Youssef the Executive Director of EBA to discuss the importance of SMEs, how to facilitate the financial aspect of the SMEs, how to increase the trade between the two countries and enter the Russian SMEs market and vice versa for the Egyptian market.
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Joint Seminar organized by committees of: Industry and Scientific Research headed by Eng. Magd Al-Din Al-Manzalawi - General Secretary and Chairman of the Committee, Energy Committee headed by Dr. Mohamed Helal, and the Export Committee headed by Eng. Fadel Marzouk, with: Major General Engineer / Essam Al-Nagar - Chairman of the General Organization for Export and Import Control, with the aim of: ( Identify the role of GOEIC and its laboratories in supporting and developing the national industry and investment - Identify the latest developments and international standards in force to develop Egyptian exports in order to maintain existing markets and open new ones)
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A meeting for the Real Estate Development and Contracting Committee of the Egyptian Businessmen’s Association in the presence of Eng. Fathallah Fawzy, Vice President of the Association and Chairman of the Committee, and Eng. Mohamed Al-Husseini, CEO of Ithmaar Real Estate and Investment Events Company, with the aim of Review details of the international investment conference “ Investors Hub ” which aims to attract foreign investments and export real estate to other countries, which is scheduled to be organized through a series of conferences in the Arabian Gulf during the coming period under the sponsor of the Egyptian and Arab governments and in the presence of High-Level International delegations
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Tourism and Civil Aviation Committee Meeting headed by Dr. Farouk Nasser - Chairman of the Committee, in the presence of Mr. Mohamed Montaser - First Vice Chairman of the Committee, Mr. Mohamed Kamel - Second Vice Chairman of the Committee, and a group of members working in the tourism sector, with the aim of reviewing and discussing: "The current conditions of Egyptian tourism in light of the current economic developments, and the Committee's proposals regarding the role of the business community to stimulate tourism "
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The Egyptian side of the Egyptian-Hungarian Business Council, headed by Dr. Ahmed Saad Ragab, in the presence of Andras Kovacs, the Ambassador of Hungary in Cairo, to discuss and present opportunities and areas of economic cooperation between businessmen in the two countries and discuss direct investment opportunities to Egypt.
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EBA has held a meeting for the Egyptian side of the Egyptian-Romanian Business Council, in the presence of the Romanian ambassador to Cairo, Dr. Mihai tefan Stuparu, Dr. Ahmed El-Sokary, Chairman of the Egyptian side, Engineer Hassan El-Shafei, member of the Board of Directors and advisor on the Egyptian side, Dr. Omnia Fahmy, Vice-Chairman of the Joint Business Council and a group of members of the Egyptian Businessmen Association. During the meeting, the Council's work plan for the coming period was reviewed and the most important sectors of mutual cooperation
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A delegation from the Egyptian Businessmen’s Association met with Major General Eng. Sherif Ahmed Saleh, Chairman of the Upper Egypt Development Authority, in the presence of investment managers in the governorates of southern, eastern and central Upper Egypt, and the representative of the Industrial Development Authority, Eng. Ashraf Raafat Helal, Advisor to the President of the Industrial Development Authority for Industrial Development, and representatives of the Association headed by: Eng. Magd El-Din Al-Manzalawi - Secretary General and Chairman of the Industry and Scientific Research Committee, and Eng. Mustafa Al-Nagari, Chairman of the Agriculture and Irrigation Committee, and a group of Association’s members, the meeting was held with the aim of Discussing opportunities for cooperation and investment areas in various development and investment projects in the governorates of Upper Egypt in the agricultural and industrial sectors
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EBA has held an introductory symposium on "Joint Financing for Investment for Employment" provided by the German Development Bank KfW headed by Headed by Eng. Magd Al-Din Al-Manzalawi, Secretary-General and Chairman of the Industry and Scientific Research Committee of EBA, by presence of Ms. Biljana Jonsik, Director of the Egypt and Ethiopia Office of the German Development Bank KfW, and Mr. Karim Gad, the Egypt Call Center, the German Development Bank KfW in Egypt
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EBA has received a Palestinian delegation in the framework of the visit of H.E. Palestinian Prime Minister to Egypt, the delegation consisted of 10 people working in agriculture, Foodstuffs, IT, Glass, Petrochemicals and Leather
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The Economic Legislation Committee held a meeting headed by Counselor - Mahmoud Fahmy, Chairman of the Committee, and in the presence of Counselor - Bahjat Al-Husami, First Vice Chairman of the Committee, and a group of members working in various economic sectors with the aim of opening the door for dialogue and discussion and identifying the most important decisions of the Supreme Council for Investment that were recently taken during its first meeting which held on Tuesday, 16th May 2023
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The Egyptian Businessmen Association organized a visit to the Grand Egyptian Museum, organized by the Tourism and Civil Aviation Committee of the Association headed by Dr. Farouk Nasser in coordination with the museum administration, in the presence of Eng. Magd El-Din Al-Manzalawi, Secretary-General and Chairman of the Industry and Scientific Research Committee, with a large group of EBA members and their companions from Egyptians and foreign tourists and executive management of the Association and in the presence of a group of tour guides from the museum. The visit inspected all the available archaeological areas during the trial opening period, and a free tour of the commercial area and the service area
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The Committee for the Development of Relations with China in EBA haس held a Seminar with China Development Bank headed by Mr. Ahmed Ezz El Din the Chairman of the committee, with the presence of Mr. Ma Lu the Chief Representative of CDB Cairo Representative Office and Mrs. Zhang Wenzhen Second Secretary Economic and Commercial Office - Embassy of P.R.China in Cairo to discuss the role of the Chinese Development Bank in Egypt, the bank's vision in cooperation with Egyptian banks
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EBA has received a delegation from Uzbekistan. The meeting was headed by Eng. Magd Eldin El Manzalawi, EBA Secretary General and chairman of Industry & Scientific Research Committee, the delegation was headed by Dr. Ibrokhim Khomidov – Head of Marketing and IER - Electrotechnics & Cable Industry Governing Association and Mr. Muzaffar Jalilov, Counsellor of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Cairo. The meeting was also attended by a group of EBA members and businessmen.
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Real Estate Development and Contracting Committee meeting headed by Eng. Fathallah Fawzy - Vice Chairman of the Board and Chairman of the Committee, in the presence of: Dr. Gamal Yaqout - Head of the Real Estate Registration and Documentation Sector, and Eng. Amin Ghoneim - Vice President of the New Urban Communities Authority for Commercial and Real Estate Affairs,In order to open the door for dialogue and discussion on: (The role of Law No. 9 of 2022 amending some provisions of Law No. 114 of 1946 regulating real estate registration - The role of Law No. 177 of 2022 amending some provisions of Law No. 27 of 2018 regarding the regulation of some provisions of real estate registration in new urban communities)
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The Information Technology Committee of EBA held a meeting chaired by Mr. Hassanein Tawfik and in the presence of Mr. Mahmoud Metwally, Second Vice Chairman of the Committee, and a number of members of EBA and the executive management with the aim of Discussing how Artificial Intelligence can affect business ( in the presence of Dr. Omar Nasr - associate professor at Cairo University specializing in artificial intelligence, and reviewing how to use artificial intelligence in vocational training to achieve sustainable development
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EBA organized a joint meeting of Banking and Finance Committee headed by Mr. Hassan Hussein – and Export Committee headed by Eng. Fadel Marzouk in the presence of Eng. Magd El-Din Al-Manzalawi, Secretary-General of EBA and Chairman of the Industry and Scientific Research Committee, with the participation of senior export finance officials in the following Egyptian banks: Export Development Bank of Egypt, National Bank of Egypt, Commercial International Bank (CIB), Banque du Caire, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) In the presence of a large number of representatives of the private sector, , with the aim of opening the door for dialogue and discussion and identifying “Egyptian export financing programs to achieve a great boom in accordance with the state's plan and the main role of banks in achieving this”
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Meeting of the Export Committee headed by Eng. Fadel Marzouq - Chairman of the Committee, with: Minister Plenipotentiary Com./ Maher Al-Sharif - Secretary General - Supreme Council for Export, and in presence of Mr. Ali Abdel Qader - First Vice Chairman of the Committee, and Major General / Ismail Abdel Aziz - Vice Chairman of Agricultural Export, the meeting aims to open the door for dialogue and identify all the challenges facing Egyptian exporters and discuss proposals and mechanisms to overcome them, with the development of a unified vision between the business community and the state in order to reach 100 billion dollars in exports"
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The Egyptian Businessmen’s Association, headed by Eng. Ali Eissa, held a public seminar organized by the Industry and Scientific Research Committee headed by Eng. Magd El-Din Al-Manzalawi, Secretary-General and Chairman of the Committee, in the presence of the President of the Commercial Representation Authority, Yahya Al-Wathiq Billah, and with the participation of a number of heads of commercial representation offices in the assembly countries, representatives of the Board of Directors, chairmans of specialized committees and members of EBA
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The delegation of the Egyptian Businessmen Association, headed by Eng. Ali Eissa, met with Dr. Hossam Haiba, Chairman of the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones - at the Authority's headquarters in Nasr City, and Eng. Magd El-Din Al-Manzalawi, Secretary-General and Chairman of the Industry and Scientific Research Committee of the Association, Eng. Ahmed Shereen Karim, Advisor to the President of the Authority for Investment Promotion, and a number of heads and deputies of committees and a group of members working in the various economic sectors of the Association participated in the meeting, with the aim of identifying the developments and decisions taken by the state recently to improve the business environment. Especially the decisions of the Supreme Council for Investment, and the various incentives to create an investment environment and climate, listen to the challenges facing the business community and companies
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The Agriculture and Irrigation Committee held a meeting with Dr. Mohamed Ali Fahim - Advisor and Assistant Minister of Agriculture and Head of the Climate Information Center with the aim of identifying the challenges and opportunities available as a result of climate change and its impact on the agricultural sector and the measures to be taken in agricultural lands of all kinds to reduce the negative effects of climate change, and this came in the belief in the role of the Egyptian business community to contribute with the state to achieve its goals to overcome all the effects of climate change in order to achieve a great boom in Egyptian agriculture.
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The Tourism and Civil Aviation Committee held a meeting in the presence and participation of the Ambassador of Japan in Cairo H.E. Mr. OKA Hiroshi - Head of the Economic Sector at the Japanese Embassy Mr. SHIMIZU Kazuhiko - Second Secretary at the Japanese Embassy Mr. Matsuoka Shinji - and Mr. Amr Adawi - Head of the Commercial Sector at EgyptAir. - Mr. Mohamed Salama - Head of the Central Administration of Internal and External Tourism Offices at the Egyptian Tourism Authority and a group of members of the association working and concerned with the tourism sector with the aim of identifying how to develop trade relations between Egypt and Japan and how to raise the rates of Japanese tourism to Egypt, especially after the opening of the direct flight line between Cairo and Tokyo
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The Board of Directors of the Egyptian Businessmen’s Association organized a meeting between the Information Technology Committee and the chairmen of the specialized committees In order to open the door for dialogue and discussion on: The most important opinions and ideas proposed for the development of new programs and applications that serve the objectives of the association and achieve mutual benefit between the members of each other and also develop communication with the association's partners abroad, Coordination between the committee and other committees of the association to discuss the role of the information technology sector in the development of various economic sectors and communicate with the relevant authorities, whether governmental or otherwise, in order to prepare the investment and legislative environment to achieve this goal, The role of the Information Technology Committee, with the support of the association in serving the technology sector.
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The Egyptian Businessmen’s Association held a joint meeting organized by the Real Estate Development and Capital Markets and Stock Exchange Committees with Mr. Ahmed El-Sheikh - Chairman of Egyptian Stock Exchange headed by Eng. Fathallah Fawzy, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Real Estate Development and Contracting Committee, Dr. Hashem El-Sayed, Chairman of the Capital Markets and Stock Exchange Committee, and a number of EBA and ELBA members and representatives of some business interested in the markets Money and stock exchanges in order to identify real estate investment funds and the real estate stock exchange and the expected role and impact on real estate investment in Egypt.
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EBA participated in the second conference for business solutions under the slogan "Fill the Gap" with the aim of shedding light on: - Financing, legislative and regulatory gaps that represent a challenge for the business community and mechanisms to overcome them while accelerating the process of economic growth and presenting promising opportunities in different sectors Identifying the incentives to be provided to attract the informal economy to the formal economy and providing financing and tax incentives which held at City Stars Intercontinental Hotel – Cairo
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EBA participated a round table organized by Invest Gate in cooperation with the Egyptian Businessmen's Association on the role of government incentives in attracting profitable real estate investment opportunities with the presence of a group of EBA members and the executive staff at the Nile Ritz-Carlton
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The Ordinary General Assembly of the Egyptian Businessmen’s Association for the fiscal year 2022/2023 was held on Wednesday, 22th of November 2023 at the headquarters of EBA, under the chairmanship of Eng. Ali Issa, President of the Association and the Secretariat of Eng. Magd El-Din Al-Manzalawi, Secretary-General of the Association, for the purpose of discussing the following agenda:
1. Presentation of the auditor's report, budget and final accounts for the fiscal year 2022/2023.
2. Presenting the report of the Board of Directors on the activities of the Association during the fiscal year 2022/2023
3. Presentation of the estimated draft budget for the fiscal year 2023/2024
4. Appointing the auditor and determining his fees for the fiscal year 2023/2024.
5. Approving the increase in the annual subscription in accordance with Article No. 18 of the Articles of Association
6. Approval of the sale of the Volkswagen Passat car assembly model 2015.
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The Egyptian Businessmen’s Association was held a meeting under the chairmanship of Eng. Ali Issa - Chairman of EBA organized by the Tourism and Civil Aviation Committee of EBA headed by Dr. Farouk Nasser - Chairman of the Committee in the presence of: Ms. Ghada Shalaby - Deputy Minister of Tourism and Antiquities for Tourism Affairs and Mr. Amr El-Kady - Chairman of the Egyptian General Authority for Tourism Promotion and with the participation of EBA’s members working and concerned with the tourism sector and other economic sectors related to it with the aim of reviewing and discussing the current situation of the tourism sector in light of the developments of current events locally and globally
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The Egyptian Businessmen’s Association, headed by Eng. Ali Issa, held a meeting organized by the Economic Legislation Committee headed by Counselor Mahmoud Fahmy in partnership with the Small and Medium Enterprises Committee headed by Eng. Hassan El-Shafei, in the presence of MP Mohamed Kamal Marei - Chairman of the Small and Medium Enterprises Committee in the parliament, and Mr. Mohamed Abdel Malik - Vice President of the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority, with the participation of Mr. Eng. Magd El-Din Al-Manzalawi Secretary General of EBA and the Chairman of the Industry and Scientific Research Committee, Ms. Dalia Al-Sawah, Vice Chairman of the Small and Medium Enterprises Committee, and a group of members of the two committees and some attendees interested in this important file, to discuss: Proposed amendments to Law No. 152 "Development of Medium and Small Enterprises" and its executive regulations.
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The Real Estate Development and Contracting Committee in EBA, headed by Eng. Fathallah Fawzy, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Committee, held a meeting with Eng. Khaled Abbas - President of the New Administrative Capital Company, in the presence of a large number of EBA’s members who interested in this important sector and investment in the New Administrative Capital to discuss investment opportunities and emerging incentives that were recently offered to attract national and foreign investments, and the efforts of the New Administrative Capital Company in preparation for its official opening activities, and a plan The company for marketing abroad, and the role of the Egyptian business community to contribute to that.
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The Industry and Scientific Research Committee held a meeting headed by Eng. Majd El-Din Al-Manzalawi - Secretary General and Chairman of the Committee and with the participation of Mr. Ahmed Mounir Ezz El-Din - First Vice Chairman of the Committee and in the presence and participation of a distinguished group of members of EBA working in the industrial sector with the aim of opening the door for discussion on the committee's work plan and the most important working papers to be prepared during the next phase to advance the sector
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The Egyptian Businessmen's Association held a meeting in the presence of Dr. Farouk Nasser - Chairman of the Committee - and a distinguished group of members of the Association working in the tourism sector.
The meeting was held with the aim of opening the door for dialogue and discussion on the committee's work plan and the most important working papers to be prepared during the next phase to promote the sector during the next stage.
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The Egyptian Businessmen's Association held a meeting organized by the Agriculture and Irrigation Committee headed by Eng. Mustafa El-Nagari, Chairman of the Committee, with Dr. Abbas El-Shenawy, Head of the Services and Follow-up Sector at the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, in the presence of a distinguished group of members of the Association and members of some business organizations working in the agricultural sector with the aim of opening the door for dialogue and discussion on the work plan of the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation on the services provided to agricultural investors and farmers during the current period and Identify the modern technological uses to provide agricultural extension to farmers.
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The Information Technology Committee, headed by Mr. Hassanein Tawfik, held a meeting in the presence of Eng. Mahmoud Metwally, Vice Chairman of the Committee, Eng. Hossam Megahed, Chairman of the Etisalat Association, and a group of members of EBA working in the information technology sector, with the aim of discussing on the most prominent strategic directions, targets and urgent priorities for the Egyptian economy in the information technology sector during the period 2024-2030 announced by the Egyptian government recently, and the committee's work plan and various activities proposed during 2024.
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The Egyptian Businessmen Association held a general symposium organized by the Association, chaired by Eng. Magd El-Din Al-Manzalawi - Secretary General and Chairman of the Industry and Scientific Research Committee of the Association, in the presence of a number of heads of specialized committees: Eng. Mustafa Al-Nagari, Chairman of the Agriculture and Irrigation Committee, Dr. Mohamed Helal, Chairman of the Energy Committee, Mr. Hussein Lotfy, Chairman of the Environment Committee, a number of vice presidents of the committees, and a group of members of the Assembly working in the industrial, agricultural and export sectors.
Speakers:- Mr. Wassim Meraabi - Expert in the field of technology and artificial intelligence And Dr. Hossam Ezz El-Din - Director General of the Industrial Pollution Control Program, Ministry of Environment
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The Real Estate Development and Contracting Committee at EBA under the chairmanship of Eng. Fathallah Fawzy - Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Committee held a meeting with MP Ahmed El-Segini - Chairman of the Local Administration Committee of the Egyptian parliament, to discuss Law No. 187 of 2023 regarding the issuance of the reconciliation law in some building violations and legalizing their conditions, in the presence of Eng. Alaa Fikry, Vice Chairman of the Real Estate Development Committee of the Association, and a group of members of the Assembly from Senior real estate developers and a number of representatives of the business community working and interested in the real estate development and construction sector.
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A round table organized by Invest Gate in cooperation with the Real Estate Development and Contracting Committee of the Association under the title: The Secret Formula for Successful Real Estate Investments.
Discussion Topics:
• Real Estate Investment Tools
• Financing Strategies
• Risk Management Strategies
• Technical Tools and Market Research
• Legal and tax implications and financing options
• The Egyptian Stock Exchange: A Business Finance Gateway
• Benefits of portfolio diversification
• Buying for housing versus real estate investments
• Challenges of trust and credibility
• Partial real estate investments
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The Egyptian Businessmen’s Association, headed by Eng. Ali Eissa, held a meeting organized by the Finance Committee headed by Mr. Maged Ezz El-Din, Chairman of the Committee, with Mrs. Rasha Abdel Aal - Head of the Egyptian Tax Authority, in the presence of Mr. Eng. Magd El-Din Al-Manzalawi, Secretary General, Mr. Khaled Dahawy - Vice Chairman of the Finance Committee, a number of vice presidents of specialized committees, members of the association working and concerned with all economic sectors affected by taxes and a number of members of business organizations from representatives of civil society, The IRS team also attends.
To discuss: The latest changes in economic legislation related to taxes and its impact on corporate profits. The role of the Authority and its plan during the next phase to facilitate financiers to submit their tax returns electronically for the fiscal year 2023/2024. Identify the means of support provided in all tax missions nationwide.
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The Egyptian Businessmen's Association, headed by Eng. Ali Eissa, held a meeting organized by the Tourism and Civil Aviation Committee headed by Dr. Farouk Nasser - Chairman of the Committee, with Mr. Amr El-Kady - Chairman of the Egyptian General Authority for Tourism Promotion, in the presence of Mr. Mohamed Montaser, Vice Chairman of the Committee, Dr. Mohamed Atta - Director General of Foreign Tourism at the Authority, and a number of members of the Association working in the tourism sector and related economic sectors.
To discuss:
The vision of the Tourism Promotion Authority on the latest developments and developments in the tourism sector, with identification of mechanisms for linking that vision with the most prominent strategic directions, targets and urgent priorities of the Egyptian economy in the tourism sector during the period 2024-2030
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The Egyptian Businessmen’s Association headed by Eng. Ali Eissa held a seminar organized by the Banking and Finance Committee headed by Mr. Hassan Hussein - Chairman of the Committee, with Dr. Hani Geneina - lecturer at the university and economic expert, and in the presence of Eng. Fathallah Fawzy - Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Association and Chairman of its Real Estate Development Committee, Mr. Maged Azin El-Din - Chairman of the Finance Committee, Mr. Yasser Abdullah - Vice Chairman of the Banking and Finance Committee, a number of Vice Presidents of the specialized committees and a group of Members of the Association and members of business organizations and in the presence of some media professionals, and it was held under the title: "The Long Road to Agreement with the IMF"
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The Egyptian Businessmen Association, headed by Eng. Ali Eissa, held a joint meeting headed by Mr. Adel El-Lamie - Member of the Board of Directors and Transport Committee Chairman, Eng. Mustafa Al-Nagari - Agriculture and Irrigation Committee Chairman, and Eng. Ali Abdel Qader,Export Committee First Vice Chairman, with Major General Reda Ismail - Head of the Maritime Transport Sector - Ministry of Transport, and with the intervention of the representative of the company responsible for the management of the shipping line (Damietta-Trieste) from the Egyptian side, and in the presence of a group of members of the Assembly and discussed: - All logistics, mechanism of operation, volume and quality of goods likely to be transported through the fast and direct shipping line between Egypt, - the role of the private sector in cooperation with the government -the extent to which the volume of global trade and exports affects the current events in the Bab al-Mandab Strait.
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The Egyptian Businessmen Association held a meeting organized by the Environment Committee headed by Mr. Hussein Lotfy, Chairman of the Committee, in the presence of:
- Major General Staff Engineer / Essam El-Naggar, Chairman of the Export and Import Control Authority, Eng. Ahmed Kamal, Executive Director of the Office of Environmental Compliance and Sustainable Development, Federation of Egyptian Industries, - Dr. Ahmed Roshdy, Advisor to the President of the Financial Supervisory Authority for Sustainable Development.
The meeting will be attended by Dr. Omnia Fahmy, Vice Chairman of the Environment Committee of the Association, in the presence of a group of members of the Association working and concerned with all economic sectors wishing to learn about carbon certificates and how to obtain them. The objective of the meeting is to discuss : " Special procedures for domestic and foreign verification and certification of voluntary carbon certificates and how to make them available "
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The Egyptian Businessmen’s Association participated in the first community dialogue session headed by Dr. Mohamed Maait, Minister of Finance, in the presence of civil society representatives from business organizations and unions. The dialogue discussed the basic strategic objectives and financial targets of the new draft budget for the fiscal year 2024/2025, so that the draft budget reflects the visions and consensus theses produced by these dialogue platforms that are consistent with Egypt's Vision 2030
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The Industry and Scientific Research Committee of the Egyptian Businessmen’s Association organized a conference: Investment.... Industry... Export "Golden Triangle" on Monday, May 13, 2024 - Cairo Marriott - Aida Hall ,with the aim of discuss the investment environment of industry in Egypt, investment and financing and their role in raising industrial growth rates, developing the export capabilities of the Egyptian industry and taking it out to new markets, it was attended by many government officials concerned with the industrial sector and its axes, as well as a large number of representatives of the Egyptian business community, heads of banks and a group of local and foreign industrial investors..
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The Egyptian Businessmen’s Association, headed by Eng. Ali Issa, held a meeting of the Tourism and Civil Aviation Committee headed by Dr. Farouk Nasser - Chairman of the Committee, with the aim of reviewing and discussing the most prominent regional and global challenges facing the tourism sector during the current stage, while identifying the proposals of the private sector to face these obstacles and promote the Egyptian tourism sector and discuss the possibility of organizing a tourism conference on the current challenges facing the sector and ways to overcome them. Ahmed Al-Wasif - President of the Egyptian Federation of Tourist Chambers, representatives of the ministry and a group of members of the association working in the sector
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EBA participated in the meeting of the Trade - USAID program, with the participation of Eng. Magd El-Din El-Manzalawy - Secretary General and Chairman of the Industry and Scientific Research Committee, Mr. Ahmed Mounir Ezz El-Din - First Vice Chairman of the Committee, Mr. Amr Fattouh - Second Vice Chairman of the Committee, Dr. Omnia Fahmy - Vice Chairman of the Environment Committee, Eng. Shady El-Manzawy - Member of the EBA, and the Executive team of EBA, and the attendees also participated in the attendance Eng. Hassan Al-Shafei - Member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Small and Medium Enterprises Committee, and Ms. Dalia Al-Sawah - Vice Chairman of the Committee, , with the aim of opening the door for dialogue and discussion on mechanisms and ways of cooperation on the implementation of the program, while identifying the proposals of businessmen to overcome the expected challenges
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The Agriculture and Irrigation Committee, headed by Eng. Mustafa Al-Nagari, organized a meeting in the presence of Prof. Dr. Ali Abdel Mohsen, Head of the Economic Affairs Sector - Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, with the aim of opening the door for dialogue and discussion on: Egyptian agricultural exports and achieving the target quantitatively, qualitatively and price, identifying the important role of agriculture in the Egyptian economy and the labor market, how to achieve a balance between production and consumption in light of the increase in exports, and a group of members of the association working and interested in the agricultural sector and representatives of the administration participated in the meeting. Executive, Press and Media
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The Sustainable Development Committee at EBA, headed by Dr. Nevine Abdel Khalek, organized a visit to Al-Nas Charitable Hospital for the treatment of heart and digestive diseases for free, with the attendance of a number of EBA members and the executive team of EBA, the visit was held with the aim of getting acquainted closely with the success story of the hospital as a model for public work in the field of treating heart and digestive diseases for free, and the development and great achievement it has reached, and to discuss ways of joint cooperation between it and the association during the next stage, and inspect the parts Medical and service and stand on the latest developments and developments of the latest medical devices and operations.
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The Egyptian Businessmen’s Association, through its Sustainable Development Committee, headed by Dr. Nevine Abdel Khaleq - Member of the Board of Directors and Chairperson of the Committee, participated in the activities of the International Conference on Climate and Environment - Second Edition - which is being held at the headquarters of Nile National University in conjunction with World Environment Day June 5, 2024, in the presence of Dr. Hani Swailem, Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation and a large number of high-level attendees, as the conference aims to raise awareness of climate and environmental issues and highlight projects that achieve sustainable development goals in the accompanying exhibition On the sidelines of the conference, a number of initiatives will be launched in this regard and honoring projects that achieve Egypt's vision for climate change 2050, with a focus on land reform, desertification, and drought resilience
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The Real Estate Development and Contracting Committee, headed by Eng. Fathallah Fawzy - Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Committee, was represented in the presence of the meeting by Eng. Alaa Fikry - First Vice Chairman of the Real Estate Development and Contracting Committee and Eng. Mohamed Ajlan - Second Vice Chairman of the Committee responsible for the contracting file, and the meeting was held in the presence of Eng. Mohamed Sami Saad - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Egyptian Federation of Construction and Building Contractors and a group of members of the Assembly working and concerned with the real estate development and contracting sector The meeting was held with the aim of: "Review of a study prepared by a consultant appointed by the Committee on the challenges facing the construction and contracting sector in export
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The Engineering Consultancy Committee of EBA, headed by Dr. Eng. Walid Sweida - Chairman of the Committee, held a meeting in the presence of a group of members of the Association working and concerned with the engineering consultancy sector and representatives of the executive management of the Association, with the aim of: thanking and honoring Eng. Omar Sabbour, the former Chairman of the Committee, for the efforts he made to the Committee during the last period, and reviewing and discussing the Committee's work plan during the next stage to identify all the challenges facing this important sector and work to remove them to advance, develop and develop the sector
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The Egyptian Businessmen’s Association participated in attending the first annual conference of the Competition Protection Authority and the Prevention of Monopolistic Practices, which was held under the patronage of His Excellency the Prime Minister, Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, on Sunday, June 9, 2024 at the Zamalek Marriott Hotel, in the presence of a number of ministers, heads of sectoral agencies, parliamentarians, heads of competition agencies in Arab and African countries, representatives of the private sector, and representatives of regional and international institutions, and a group of members of the association and representatives of its executive management participated in the meeting.
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The EBA headed by Eng. Ali Issa participated in attending an expanded seminar organized by the ELBA headed by Eng. Fathallah Fawzy, the title of the symposium:( The role of small and medium enterprises in development) in the presence of: Mr. Basil Rahmi - CEO of the Medium, Small and Micro Enterprises Development Authority In order to spread the culture of self-employment and encourage small and medium enterprises and startups, and shedding light on the role of the Enterprise Development Authority and new initiatives to support owners of SME’s enterprises, the seminar was held at the Grand Nile Tower Hotel - Cairo, and a group of EBA members attended the meeting. And representatives of the executive management, based on the joint cooperation protocol between the two societies, where they have strong partnership and cooperation relations.
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EBA attended the Sixth Strategy for Transition to Green Economy, which helded at the Triumph Luxury Hotel in New Cairo, through the Sustainable Development Committee of EBA, headed by Dr. Nevine Abdel Khaleq, member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Committee, and in the presence of a group of EBA’s members and representatives of its executive management, in the presence of Dr. Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment, and Dr. Mustafa Zamzam, Chairman of the Fourm Mr. Mustafa Ezz Al-Arab - Assistant Minister of Youth and Sports for Cultural and Social Development, Dr. Hassan Mustafa, Assistant Minister of Social Solidarity, and Ms. Asma Sami, Director of the Forum with the aim of opening the door for The serious steps of the Egyptian government to achieve sustainable development in all sectors and how to raise awareness among the Egyptian people of how and the importance of green Transition
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EBA held a joint meeting of the Industry and Scientific Research Committee headed by Eng. Magd El-Din Al-Manzalawi - Secretary General and Chairman of the Committee, the Import and Customs Committee headed by Eng. Khaled Hamza, and the Export Committee headed by Eng. Fadel Marzouk, with Dr. Youmna El-Shabrawy - Head of the Trade Remedies Sector - Ministry of Trade and Industry under the title: - Trade remedies as a tool to protect the national industry and promote Egyptian exports, in the presence and participation of a number of vice chairmen of the committees And a group of EBA’s members working and concerned with these important sectors, where the meeting was held with the aim of discuss on: How to use trade processing fees to protect the local industry in Egypt from the negative repercussions of harmful trade practices in international trade
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The Real Estate Development and Contracting Committee of EBA , in cooperation with the Center for International Private Enterprise - CIPE, participated in organizing a round table on the export of real estate services in the presence of a group of leading businessmen in contracting and the EBA’s and CIPE’s executive team, which included a presentation of the prepared study on the importance of exporting real estate to stand on the importance of adding real estate export to the Egyptian export portfolio, determine the incentives and procedures necessary for that, and listen to the vision of officials and businessmen to reach comprehensive and realistic recommendations, the meeting was held on Wednesday, July 31, 2024 at the Zamalek Marriott Hotel
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The Egyptian Businessmen Association, headed by Eng. Ali Issa, holds a meeting organized by the Agriculture and Irrigation Committee, headed by Eng. Mustafa Al-Nagari, with Dr. Osama Al-Zaher - Head of the Groundwater Sector - Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation With the participation and presence of MP / Abdel Hamid El-Demerdash - Chairman of the Export Council for Agricultural Crops, a group of members of the Agriculture and Irrigation Committee of the Association,Dr. Abbas El-Sharaki - Professor at Cairo University, representatives of the Agricultural Research Center ،The meeting is held with the aim of opening the door for dialogue and discussion on: Access to the maximum utilization of groundwater reserves, land reclamation and investment opportunities available to the private sector. Groundwater map in agricultural lands offered for investment and expansion.
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The EBA participated in the annual conference under the title of Private Sector Participation,which is organized by CIPE in cooperation with EBA headed by Eng. Ali Issa, where the EBA participates in presenting a study on the export of contracting under the title:The construction and building services sector The potential forces to increase Egyptian exports,the EBA is represented in the presence of the conference by:- Eng. Fathallah Fawzy - Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Real Estate Development and Contracting Committee speaking during the first session,Eng. Majd Al-Manzalawi - Secretary General and Chairman of the Industry and Scientific Research Committee, Eng. Ahmed Sabbour -Member of the Board of Directors and Senator, Eng. Mohamed Ajlan, Second Vice Chairman of the Real Estate Development and Contracting Committee and a speaker during the session on the development of construction services
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The Engineering Consulting Committee of EBA, headed by Dr. Eng. Walid Sweida, held a meeting with Eng. Tarik Al-Nabarawy - Engineers Syndicate and with the participation of the leaders of the Syndicate, and Eng. Majd Al-Din Al-Manzalawi - Secretary General and Chairman of the Industry and Scientific Research Committee of EBA, Eng. Omar Sabbour - Former Chairman of the Engineering Consulting Committee, the meeting began with the thanks and honoring of Eng. Omar Sabbour, former Chairman of the Engineering Consultancy Committee, It was held with the aim of what It was reached by the Engineers Syndicate regarding the registration and classification of consulting offices and the mechanism of linking the type / size of the project
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EBA received a high-level Chinese governmental delegation, headed by Mr. Xu Feng, member of the Standing Committee and Secretary General of the Communist Party in Linyi, China, and representatives of 25 Chinese companies from Linyi, and on the sidelines of the conference on economic trade cooperation between Egypt and China, organized by EBA, the House of Wisdom Group for Cultural Industries, the association signed a cooperation agreement with the Linyi City Committee of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade. The protocol was signed by Mr. Ahmed Ezz El-Din, Chairman of the China Committee, and Mr. Xue Fong Al-Amin General and permanent member of the Communist Party of China Committee in Linyi in the presence of Mr. Moustafa Ibrahim, Vice Chairman of the China Committee
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EBA, headed by Eng. Ali Issa, held a joint meeting organized by the Tourism and Civil Aviation Committees headed by Dr. Farouk Nasser and the Banking and Finance Committee headed by Mr. Hassan Hussein, the meeting was held with the aim of identifying "the Central Bank initiative to finance hotel projects with a total value of 50 billion pounds with a repayment period of five years at a decreasing interest rate of 12%", with the participation and presence of the tourism sector Mr/Mohamed Fahmy-Assistant Minister of Tourism and Antiquities for Economic Affairs and General Supervisor of the Tourism and Antiquities Support Fund, Mr/Nagy Al-Shaer, Economic Advisor - General Authority for Tourism Development, and representatives of major Egyptian banks، with the participation of a large group of members of the association interested in this important sector.
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The Industry and Scientific Research Committee of the EBA held a meeting headed by Eng. Magd El-Din El-Manzalawi - Secretary General and Chairman of the Committee, in the presence of Dr. Doaa Salima - Executive Director of the Industrial Modernization Center and her supporting team, with the participation of a group of heads and deputies of specialized committees and members of the committee interested in the industrial sector and related sectors, with the aim of identifying the role of the Industrial Modernization Center in developing and advancing the Egyptian industry and achieving added value and sustainability for it, while identifying the lists of goods to be invested. According to the latest update, what are the latest programs offered by the center and its important role in developing industry, technical and administrative skills for workers in the industrial sector, and the role of the Egyptian business community in achieving this
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A meeting organized by the Finance Committee headed by Mr. Maged Ezz El-Din, Chairman of the Committee and in the presence of Dr. Muhannad Taha Khaled - Treasurer, Dr. Khaled Dahawy - Vice Chairman of the Finance Committee, Mr. Yasser Abdellah, Vice Chairman of the Banking and Finance Committee, and a group of members, in the presence of Mr. Mohamed Yehia - Advisor to the President of the Financial Supervisory Authority and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Egyptian Association of Accountants and Auditors, Mr. Mohamed El-Moataz - Chairman of the Standards Committee - Egyptian Association of Accountants and Auditors, Mr. Tamer Abdel Tawab - Member of the Standards Committee - Egyptian Association of Accountants and Auditors With the aim of discuss the Prime Minister's Decree No. 3527 of 2024 amending some provisions of the Egyptian Accounting Standards by adding a new standard No. (51) Financial statements in the economics of hyperinflation
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