the Embassy of Thailand in Cairo, has invited Dr. Mohamed Youssef, EBA Executive Director to visit Bangkok – Thailand as a keynote speaker during a seminar entitled "New Modern Egypt: Tips in Doing Business" to present opportunities and areas of cooperation between the Egyptian and Thai business communities, as well as the revival of the Egyptian-Thai Joint Business Council.
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EBA has held a meeting with H.E. Mr. Thanabordee Joothong, Charge d’Affaires. Embassy of Thailand, Mrs. Tina Thanavon Pamaranon, Counsellor, Embassy of Thailand, Mr. Mohamed Mohy El Dien Youssef, Advisor to GAFI CEO, Mrs. Marwa Hussien GAFI, the meeting was attended by Dr. Mohamed Youssef, EBA Executive Director and Mrs. Dalia Youssef, Division Director of International Relations & Membership Affairs To discuss ways of cooperation between the association and the Embassy of Thailand in Cairo to achieve the common interests of the two countries through the restructuring of the Egyptian-Thai Business Council, noting that there are a number of areas of cooperation between the two countries, the most important of which are hotel management, halal food, canned food, especially tuna, auto parts and communications.
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