Member's Details

Name: Mohamed Magd ElDin El Manzalawi

Address:5 El Nasr Str. , Nasr City , Cairo

Phone: 202/24044772 - 202/24044997 - 202/24044668

Fax: 0224044667


Air Conditions


Air Conditions motors

Air Conditioner Split Units

Central Air Conditioner

Member's Companies

Company Name:
Tiba Manzalawi Group
Vice Chairman
5 El Nasr Road 5th Floor , Nasr City , Cairo
202/24044997 202/24044998 202/24025444
202/24044667 202/24044771 202/22619666
Tiba Engineering Group is the leading manufacturer and supplier of air conditioning systems in Egypt and Middle East. With over 37 years of knowledge and experience, the group has earned a reputation for excellence and innovation in the field. Tiba's determination to enhance the performance of its core business is demonstrated by the group's well-grounded portfolio of over 5000 projects in Egypt and the Middle East, along with its heavy investments to improve the efficiency of its production facilities in Tenth of Ramadan City, Egypt's largest industrial area. These factories form the basis of a solid operating structure that is capable of competing in the most rigorous environments
EBA Contacts

Address: 21 Giza St., Nile Tower, Giza, Egypt

Tel: + (202) 3572 3020 / + (202) 3573 6030

Mob: 010 0538 4604 / 010 0538 4605


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