TEA Computers

Legal Status:
Shareholding Company
Smart Village km 28 Cairo Alex Desert Road, Building B17, 3rd Floor , Haram , Giza
202/35310000 202/35310002
- TEA Computers is a leading IT Egyptian company established in 1974, it provides total solutions for the capital markets, Defense and security. - Major projects accomplished in the capital markets including Cairo and Alexandria Stock exchanges, Egyptian Capital Markets Authority, Misr and Clearing, Settlements and depository, over 120 Brokerage and Portfolio Management Firms in Egypt and the Arab World, security and law enforcement, CAD/ CAM/ CAE, engineering and rapid prototyping

EBA Contacts

Address: 21 Giza St., Nile Tower, Giza, Egypt

Tel: + (202) 3572 3020 / + (202) 3573 6030

Mob: 010 0538 4604 / 010 0538 4605

E-mail: eba@eba.org.eg

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