Misr Holding

Legal Status:
Shareholding Company
26 Sherif Pacha Str. , City Center , Cairo
MisrHolding is a leading Egyptian financial service holding company which provides a broad range of solutions tailored to specific requirements of individual, institutional, corporate and government clients. Established in 2006 as a privately managed functions as an independent financial services firm, capitalizing on the extensive expertise and unique insights of its teams to create value across all sectors of the Egyptian economy. MHFFI is one of the fastest growing investment banks in Egypt founded in 2006, providing full fledged services in corporate finance & investment banking, asset management, securities brokerage, private equity, and equity research

EBA Contacts

Address: 21 Giza St., Nile Tower, Giza, Egypt

Tel: + (202) 3572 3020 / + (202) 3573 6030

Mob: 010 0538 4604 / 010 0538 4605

E-mail: eba@eba.org.eg

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